This where all the magic happened!
Here's some thoughts on what are likely to happen in near future.
Multi-Agent Navigation
I got the multi-agent navigation to much further state than I expected. The code is currently huge pile of spaghetti. The next step is put it all together. I have been trying to think about the API and it seems to be quite a big task. I think it is good that my progress is slowing down so that I can let things simmer in a bit.
If you have some thoughts how you would like to integrate the multi-agent navigation to your project, please let me know!
Would you like to use it as a component? Do you want a manager you can tick or do you prefer to do that yourself? Do you use physics for collision detection? Where in your agent update cycle you are planning to put the path following code? Any input is welcome. If you don't want to share the secrets here you can always send me email too.
Everyone is integrating path following slightly differently. I hope to support as many people as possible. On one extreme there are the folks who just would like to get plug'n'play, and on the other side are the folks who would like to get the max performance which means that I need to split the API so that you can tear everything apart as necessary.
My current idea is to roughly separate the code into roughly four pieces:
- mover
- steering
- obstacle avoidance
- collision detection
The mover takes care of handling path corridor and movement along navmesh surface. In theory you could use it to create NPCs or even player movement. It will also keep track if new path should be queried.
Steering is game and behavior specific so I think I will add some helper functions to the mover class which allows you to build your own. I will provide some examples how to do it too.
Obstacle avoidance will be separate class which can be used even without any of the mover stuff. Basically you feed in obstacles and the agent state (position, radius, velocity, desired velocity) and it will spit out new velocity which should result in less collisions than the desired one. The first implementation will be the sampled VO, I'm looking into adding ORCA stuff too later.
Collision detection will be responsible of finding the neighbors to avoid and to collide with. This is potentially something that your engine does already. I might include this only in the example code.
Many of the tasks required for multi-agent navigation are embarrassingly parallel (see all the for loops in the current CrowdManager::update()). My idea is to tailor the APIs so that when possible you just pass in the data that is absolutely necessary. For example the obstacle avoidance code will not figure out the neighbors itself, but you need to feed them.
I will create an example which can be used for learning and also something that can be integrated as is, for those who just like to get quick and dirty integration.
Detour Error Handling
There are some cases where Detour should be more verbose on error cases. My work on the multi-agent navigation has revealed some short comings in the error handling code too and the sliced pathfinder work surfaced some ideas too.
I'm planning to improve the Detour API at some point so that it will report errors better. The change will be most likely that every method will return a status instead. This allows me to report invalid input data and more elaborate reason why path finding may have failed or report that path finding succeed, but actually returned partial path. There are some discrepancies on the raycast() function return values too.
Temporary Obstacles
I got quite exited about the heightfield compression findings and got some really good feedback on it too. It is definitely something I wish to prototype more in detail.
This also ties into better Detour error handling. I will need to finally figure out how to handle interrupted and invalid paths. Detour will not replan automatically, but it will let you know what something went wrong or that something will go wrong in the future so that you can schedule new path query yourself.