I stumbled upon this paper again yesterday:
The Obstacle-Restriction Method (ORM) for Robot Obstacle Avoidance in Difficult Environments
I like how they form sub-goals to overcome the obstacles. I think that is what I meant when I mentioned the coherent silhouettes in my previous post.
So my gut feeling is that coherent sub-goals is the key to get VOs a notch more reliable. Let's see if I can squeeze in some prototyping time later this week to prove my point :)
I think this sort of thinking is generally really good in game AI. If something is way too complicated to tackle with one system, or too flickery, make it hierarchical. If there are some decision that can be made a lower pace, do that, and feed the results to the next system so that it has easier time to solve its' sub-problem.
Oh and btw... HRVO source code is available (based on the RVO lib), but has quite different velocity choosing method as expected.